Friday, August 11, 2006

Boston Pizza

Well, tonight at 5:00 I start my new part-time job. I'm going to be working at Boston Pizza. No, I don't know what I'm going to be doing there, and no, I didn't quit my current job here at NEBS to take this.
I'm just thinking it would be nice to work 3 or 4 nights a week in a social atmosphere, instead of spending my evenings sitting around playing video games. Also, some extra money is never frowned upon. The big downside is that this will make it more difficult to get to the gym. But, I already told Andy, the manager, that I won't be able to stay on if it's too much work.

In other news, I bought a music CD last night. I haven't done that in a while. I was in CD plus and the CD they were playing just sounded so cool I had to have it. The CD is called 'Madvillain' by Madvillainy. Madvillany is composed of Doom as the MC and Madlib as the DJ. It's just really strange stuff. And the entire album has this comic book feel to it which is very interesting.