Got kicked out of Bomber!
Last bomber ever.
Got kicked out. But, I won an MP3 player. yay!
The public ramblings of a vain egomaniac
I couldn't believe it. I came into the house and James passed me a nickel. Then after I had put the nickel in my nickel box, he comes into my room and is like "You stupid mother fucker. Give me my Nickel back!!". To which I replied "I'm sorry James, I cannot. I have put it away". Then he says "Fine Asshole, I'm taking your movies!!" So he took them and I had to defend my property.
There is an article in the Financial Post today in the Comment Section entitled 'Playing to Win'. It was written by George Stalk a senior business consultant in Toronto. It's an interesting read; basically, Georgie is arguing that companies best serve their shareholders, the environment, indigenous peoples, and their employees when they are fighting tooth and nail to produce products while disregarding all of the externalities they cause. He argues that the best companies are the ones who focus on dominating the market instead of being a good corporate citizen and growing slowly. Unfortunately, his examples don't really make much sense. Ie. Wal mart not paying employees much, and... actually that's his only example, he then says something about Wal Mart being dominant. Yay, one example. To quote Georgie:
Well, I know I can't actually complain about being really poor. I was looking around our house. Right now, there are 3 guys sitting on nice couches working on laptops, surfing the internet wirelessly while watching one of our several hundred cable channels on a flatscreen TV.
So I watched the documentary "The Corporation" yesterday. It was kind of a terrifying movie. Especially since I'm in business. But, it was very provocative. I agree with some of the points in the movie: that governments need to take more control representing the interests of the public against corporations and that if corporations are going to exist as a legal 'person' they should also be able to face the consequences that a legal 'person' would, otherwise they are designed to perform unethically. However, they don't make much of a point talking about the many positive benefits of the corporate world. They do mention them though, and so in this I feel the film deserves a Kudos. They also don't talk very much about the companies that already follow the 'sustainable' lifestyle and the side effects that they get. For instance, Toyota is extremely environmentally conscious, treats their full time employees exceptionally well, gives everyone in the plants a say and a way to make things better, and they make more money than Ford, GM, Daimler-Chrysler and Volkswagen COMBINED while doing it. However, Toyota is the exception rather than the rule and there are changes that could be made to the corporate structure that would be better for everyone.
Well, grad ball was fun. I could have used a bigger meal though. Much bigger. They gave us some nice glasses to take home, but since I'm not much one for heirlooms I gave mine away. I'd probably break them anyway.
I've been thinking about how some people are supposedly 'smarter' than others. I wonder if it actually has anything to do with actual brain 'horsepower' or more about the models that we use to analyze information. I mean, if 2 cars have the same horsepower and one has to go on a windy course while the other goes on a straight course, the one on the straight course will win. It could be that so called 'smart' people think with models that allow them to a)handle more information at once and b) process the information more efficiently. And, of course, all of this is done without trying. Smart people just are smart, they don't know why. And of course, some people aren't as smart at somethings as they are at others. Guass could bury almost any and everyone at math, but he couldn't punch his way out of a paper bag. Mohammed Ali instinctively created new boxing techniques that he used to destroy men twice his size, but there's no indication he could do long division. If we could actually identify and train the models they use to analyze information, maybe someday we will all be as smart as Guass in math, Shakespeare in language and Mohammed Ali in the sweet science.
Well, it's the night before my Bus468 midterm is due so naturally I decided to go to a guest speaker event and delay any more actual work.
Finishing off a walksafe shift that I didn't know I had until this afternoon. Apparently I accepted the shift from one of my friends last friday. Unfortunately, I had been indulging in my homebrew and had forgotten about the shift. Fortunately, he saw me in the gym today and reminded me. I spent some time on the shift sitting in Village 1 watching wrestling. I forgot how outrageous the show is; truly a spectacle.