Monday, February 27, 2006

Repo Man

So, I watched this movie called "Repo Man" last night. It starred Emilio Estevez and was made in like 1984. Very, very strange movie. Kind of funny, but wow... I can't describe it. You'll have to see it for yourself.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Goram Futureshop??

the people at futureshop have told me that they're going to put in an application to have my computer replaced. I hope that this happens, because I can't afford to replace it, and I don't think they're actually going to get it repaired.
So, I'll keep you posted. Maybe futureshop isn't the devilspawn I once thought they were.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Google comes to Waterloo

Wow. So apparently all this speculation about whether or not Google is going to open an office in Waterloo is a little outdated. They've announced that they purchased Reqwireless, which is a firm in Waterloo. That essentially leaves them a foothold to drop developers in and expand on. I agree with a blog I saw: it would be cool to see "Google" on the side of buildings in the tech park, even though that may not be happening right yet.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Goram Futureshop

Those lying bastards!! On Saturday when I called Futureshop, they told me that the laptop had already been sent to Compaq. Today! Today (the next Thursday) I call and they tell me it was only sent to Compaq yesterday!!!
I cannot believe how absolutely atrocious the service has been. Since September 2004 my laptop has been in the shop for 11 months
If they were big problems I could see it taking a while, but the 2 problems I've had have been: loose hinges, and keyboard malfunction. Nothing to make me sweat here, but apparently they are completely useless.
I cannot stress this enough. NEVER buy anything that might need servicing from FutureShop. You will never see the product again. Just to let you know, I took my laptop in for the keyboard repair in July 2005. It is now February 2006.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

New Canadian Territory??

Hey, has anyone heard anything Recently about what progress has been made with regards to the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean joining Canada? This is something I think would just be awesome, to have a Canadian vacation destination, as well as to help out a country that is less well endowed than we are economically.
I imagine the debate about their annexation fell off the map with the last minority government, but it could be something that the new Prime Minister would be interested in.
And I see President Bush is encouraging people to become less dependent on oil... except his solution is COAL!! Does anyone else see this as a step backward?